Fire Fighters
Credit Union



Loan Rates Deposit Rates Certificate Rates Fee Schedule

Effective as of: February 1, 2025
Fee Schedule
Account Fees
Account Number Change Fee (Unless Confirmed Fraud)$ 25.00Per Occurrence
ATM Inquiry1$ 1.00Each
ATM Withdrawal1Free
Coin Counting Fee5.00 %Of Balance Over $300
Corporate Checks—Member$ 3.00Each
Corporate Checks—Non-Member$ 15.00Each
Draft (Check) Copy$ 5.00Each
Dormant Share Draft Account Fee$ 5.00Per Month
Paper Statements$ 5.00Per Month
History Print Out$ 5.00Each
Inactive/Dormant Account Fee$ 5.00Per Month
International ACH Transaction [IAT] Fee$ 5.00Per Item
Late Document Fee$ 50.00Per Item
New Account Closing Fee(within first 3 months)$ 5.00
Debit Card Rush Fee$ 95.00Per Card
New Membership Fee$ 5.00Each
Non-Sufficient Funds [NSF] Fee$ 29.00Per Presentment
Overdraft Advance Fee2$ 29.00Each
Overdraft Protection From Shares$ 5.00Per Transfer
P.O.S. Chargeback/Copy Request (Unless Confirmed Fraud)$ 25.00Each
Reconciliation/Research (1 Hour Minimum)$ 30.00Per Hour
Regulation D Exception Transfer$ 29.00Each
Replacement Debit Card/PIN$ 25.00Each
Return Statement/MAil Fee$ 5.00Each
Returned Deposit Item—3rd Party$ 29.00Each
Returned Deposit Item—Member$ 29.00Each
Share Draft Account Service Fee$ 3.00Per Month
Statement Copy$ 10.00Per Month
Stop Payment Request/Cancellation$ 29.00Each
Manual ACH Post$ 29.00Per Occurrence
Virtual Branch [VB] Online BankingFree
VB Bill Pay ServiceFrePer Month
VB (Bill Payment) Check Copy$ 35.00Each
VB (Bill Payment) Research Fee$ 50.00Per Hour
1 ATM terminal owner may charge an additional fee.
2 The categories of transactions for which an overdraft fee may be imposed may be processed by any of the following means: share draft (check), in-person withdrawal, automated clearing house (ACH) or any other electronic means.
Loan Fees
Automatic Loan NSF Payment Fee (from FFCU account)$29.99Per Loan
GAP Cancellation Fee$ 25.00Each
Loan Late Fee$ 35.00After 5 Days
Loan Subordination Fee$ 75.00Per Occurrence
Lost/Replacement Lien Release$ 10.00Each
Online Payment FeeOnline Payment FeePer Loan Payment
Refinance Fee$ 50.00Per Loan
Repossession Fee$ 50.00Each
Skip-A-Pay Fee$ 35.00Per Loan
electronic Payment Fee (1-time Payment from Non-FFCU Account)$ 10.00Per Loan Payment
Warranty Cancellation Fee$ 25.00Each
Miscellaneous Fees
Collection Item Fee$ 35.00Each
Deposit Verification$ 15.00Each
Foreign Collection Item Fee$ 50.00Each
Legal Process Fee (i.e., garnishment, levy or subpoena)$ 100.00Each
Non-Member Check Cashing Fee$ 15.00Each
Safe Deposit Box Drilling Fee$ 200.00Per Occurrence
Safe Deposit Box NSF Payment Fee$ 29.00Per Occurrence
Wire Transfers (Inco)Free
Wire Transfers (Outgoing)$ 20.00Each
Paper Statements$ 5.00Per Month
Invalid Wire Instruction Fee$250.00Per Occurrence
Remote Deposit Return Fee$29.00Each
Negative Account Fee (Negative 20 Days)$29.00Per Occurrence
Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government Agency National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency
We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.

Routing Number: 303985961

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